
What is a marketing strategy?


You’ve been pretty active on social media, posting content, images, reviews – but you keep hearing blogs (like this) tell you that you need a strategy. Do you have one? If not, you really should.

Let’s put it in plain English. A marketing strategy gives you a plan that aligns your marketing efforts, with your business goals. It helps provide clarity with your posting calendar, the type of content, important milestones and dates, and the story you are telling.

if you’re posting regularly on social media without a strategy. That’s a good start. Active and consistent posting is a core component of any strategy. But a strategy gives you a calendar and a plan that isn’t just posting for posting sake, but all small pieces of the puzzle that spells out your overall business goals.

If you have a plan to grow your business by 400% over the next 5 years, you’re marketing plan needs to match this otherwise you’re going to be hip firing. A good marketing strategy breaks down the bigger, more daunting goals into bite sized chunks that are manageable, trackable, and most importantly achievable.

Another big component of a great marketing strategy is a content and posting strategy. For our clients, we have mapped out a skeleton of what we’ll be posting in 6 months time. Marketing is dynamic and can change based on circumstance and a good strategy takes that into account and changes accordingly.

A great marketing strategy is detailed and provides you a way to achieve your goals. We love marketing strategies! It’s not everyone’s cup of tea, but it will change your brand. Need help? Get in touch!

Written by Altitude Team

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