
Why we gave away free start-up digital strategies!

Over the last few weeks we’ve been offering free digital and social reviews for start-ups and small business. You may in fact be wondering why we’ve been giving away what is effectively free advice. Well, there is a method to the madness.

It’s not too late to get your hands on this freebie by the way – sign up here! This is a FREE digital review of your social media and website, giving you tips and tricks for your social and digital assets, what you are doing right, and what you could be doing better! It’s a no brainer!

In fact, you may be one of the lucky ones to have signed up for our strategy and the digital advice! If so, welcome and thanks for being involved. It’s a bit of an odd concept at first glance. Giving away free stuff can mean more revenue, customers and growth.

But why is that the case?

Try before you buy.

You know at the supermarket, back in the day when you’d have that stand near the deli, with little testers of meat, sausages, or perhaps cereal bars in the snacks aisle. You’re signing up really for a freebie, but if it’s that good, you’ll probably consider it next time you shop (or even right then and there).

The point of giving away those freebies is exactly that. To give you a taste of the product, or in our case, the service, to ultimately offer it as an option for when the participant is looking for that product or service.

With us, by giving some free advice and strategies, we showcase our abilities, skills and knowledge, a taster if you will, and show how capable we are to people who weren’t engaging with us previously. For everyone who has already signed up, none of these business owners were previously engaging with us, and it’s opened up a range of new prospects for us to engage with.

Feel good factor.

If you’ve ever bought a house, or a car, or anything really, you may have engaged in some haggling to get yourself the best deal. How good does that feel when you’ve achieved a result for yourself. If you’ve been given something, or bought something that has a freebie thrown in, again, it feels nice and special.

There’s a psychological factor to it, but we’ll leave that to the psych experts (perhaps they can give us some free advice and tell us the exact science behind it).

Simply put, by providing a valuable service, or part of it, for free, you create and build the brand loyalty with you even before they’ve become a proper client. Win win!


By creating a free service that is worth your prospective clients’ time, and even more so when they feel it resonates with what they need or want, you develop trust with your brand and the start of a relationship. People tend to buy goods and services from brands, and people that they know and trust. So by building the trust early, you make your conversion and close far easier.

It’s not just about giving something away.

Once you’ve given away the free service, 9/10 (if not more) clients won’t engage you right away. But that’s not a sign of failure, or an indictment on your service, it’s because they’ve only signed up for something free. Chances are, while they may be considering such a service one day, you’ve come along in their journey a lot earlier than normal, and indeed your competitors. This puts you in pole position for the gig one day once they are ready to make the jump.

It’s also important, to not just stop the conversation once you’ve given them the free thing. You have to keep in contact. They are now on your mailing list. Encourage them to join you on your Facebook, Instagram, other socials. Connect on LinkedIn. They are now in the funnel, and it’s your job to continue to engage with them, without harassing them of course.

The ongoing engagement is important, as it reminds them that you are there and ready to help them when they need. That ensures that when the time is right, you’re right up there in consideration.

It’s not too late to get your hands on this freebie by the way – sign up here! This is a FREE digital review of your social media and website, giving you tips and tricks for your social and digital assets, what you are doing right, and what you could be doing better! It’s a no brainer!

If you’ve already signed up and have received your review, thanks for doing that and welcome to the Altitude family! We hope this gives you some insight into the why, and gives you some potential ideas to meet new customers!

Written by Altitude Team

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