
Social Media for Start-Ups. Why it’s a must!

When launching a start-up, there are a million things to consider and take into account. Marketing, especially digital and social media is something that is left till last. But, there are some compelling reasons why you shouldn’t leave it too late.

Marketing in general is an important component of every business, and yet running marketing of any kind for some businesses can be draining. The last thing you need to do is be sitting on Facebook when you could be doing other stuff. But marketing is the top of your sales funnel. They say you can’t sell a secret, and it’s true. You need your potential customers to know about your product.

We’ve put together this short guide, to give you a few reasons why your digital marketing and social media is a pivotal part of your start-up.

1 | You learn more about your audience.

Digital marketing, while it serves a great purpose on growing your audience and gaining new customers, can also provide valuable information about your existing audience! Tools such as Google Analytics, Facebook Audience and Analytics, as well as Facebook Pixel are examples of key tools that provide information about who your audience are, how they find you, what they do, use and their behaviours on your site. It sounds all very 1984, but trust us, it’s incredibly useful to further your business and how you engage with them.

2 | Brand Recognition.

The more people recognise your brand, the more customers you can potentially entice into buying your product or service. Brand recognition is a tough cookie to crack, and requires a strong brand identity and a strategy. If structured correctly, a consistent social presence and engagement can mean more people recognise you and think of you when considering different brands competing for their business.

3 | More traffic to your site.

I’m sure we don’t have to tell you, the more people that go to your site, the more chance you have on converting or making a sale. With a well configured social presence, you’ll be able to point more people to your website through strong call to action buttons, forms, and e-commerce products.

4 | What your competitors are up to.

While you’re setting up and managing your social media (or your social media management team wink wink), you’ll naturally be keeping tabs on the competition. This gives you more insights on trends, strategies, ideas, and promotions. You’ll also know what’s happening in the market, who’s offering what, what products are missing, and give you the edge in the way you analyse and bring products and services to the market.

5 | Gen Y, Z and whatever comes next.

Kids these days. Always on their phones and tablets and what have you. This isn’t something to just moan about, but an opportunity. The younger generations are active on social media, and their consumer activity and behaviours are often heavily doused in social media. The way they research products, refer products, and learn about new products are on social media. This can open up, or increase potential revenue from the younger generations.

6 | Engagement and Viral Content

As your business grows, you’ll generate more engagement from participants of your business and brand. These are more opportunities to respond, chat, and grow your products and services’ stature. Good content generates engagement, and a chance to chat with your customers, including making light hearted jokes and thanking them for their support. Great content, can go viral. The benefit of social media is you can create content that can be easily shared by customers, which eventually will reach prospective customers who don’t follow your page. Another benefit of the engagement side of things is you can get instant feedback on new products, services, or marketing strategies, allowing you to make quick decisions about your business.

We are Social Media, and experienced with start-ups and would really love to work with you to build your brand and help you reach the top of the digital ladder. Check out what we can do for you.

Written by Altitude Team

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